Welcome to
ZION Lutheran Church
Cloquet, MN
Welcome to
ZION Lutheran Church
Cloquet, MN
What to Expect on Sunday:
Zion's weekly Holy Communion service is at 9:30 am.
All are welcome at the Lord's Table.
Zion Lutheran Church is an open community of faith where all are invited to worship, learn, grow, care and be cared for. Visitors are welcome to participate in any and all opportunities Zion has to offer.
Children are welcome during the service as integral members of the body of Christ.
Please come in whatever clothing is most comfortable for you. There is no dress code.
Following the service, there is coffee, fellowship, and, on the Second Sunday of the month during the school year, Intergenerational Faith Formation in the Social Hall. We look forward to seeing you there!
Find more service information here: Service Information
Find recordings here: Recorded Services
or here: Zion's YouTube
Zioneers | February 8
Save the date!
Saturday, February 8th at 2p
Join us in the Lounge at Zion for coffee, treats, a surprise presentation, & Special Music with Dave Fitch!
Second Sunday Surprise
Come join us for our intentionally intergenerational Sunday School on the second Sunday of every month following the service.
Join us for a short interactive lesson, a craft, fellowship. and a lunch with a free-will offering.
Second Sunday Surprise!
February 9
March 9
April 13
May 11
Lesson | Craft | Fellowship | Lunch
Book Club: February
Thursday February 13 | 11a | Lounge
The Secret War of Julia Child
by Diana R. Chambers
Happy Reading!
Home Communion Training
All are welcome and encouraged to attend Home Communion Training on Sunday, March 2 at 11am to learn how to better support our home-bound members through the sacrament of Holy Communion.
This brief training will inform volunteers how to administer the sacrament and give guidelines and tips for visiting vulnerable adults.
Attending this training bears no responsibility to bring home communion to
members or friends of Zion, however, if you are interested in doing so,
a team forming alongside Zioneers/elders planning committee will be
working to supplement the visits Pastor does.
Ash Wednesday
Join us Wednesday, March 5th from 6:30-7p for ashes and a short liturgy.
Holden Evening Prayer
Join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent for Soup Suppers before Holden Evening Prayer.
Confirmands and their mentors will meet following the service.
March 12 | March 19 | March 26
April 2 | April 9
Soup Supper 5:30p
Holden Evening Prayer 6:30-7p
Confirmation 7-7:30p
Second Sunday Surprise
Come join us for our intentionally intergenerational Sunday School on the second Sunday of every month following the service.
Join us for a short interactive lesson, a craft, fellowship. and a lunch with a free-will offering.
Second Sunday Surprise!
March 9
April 13
May 11
Lesson | Craft | Fellowship | Lunch
Book Club: March
Thursday March 13 | 11a | Lounge
The Magnificent Lives of Marjorie Post
by Allison Pataki
Happy Reading!
2024 Annual Report Packets Still Available!
The Annual Meeting has passed but the 2024 Annual Report is still available as both a printed packet and a pdf.
Please stop by the office for a printed copy or email the office for a pdf.
The next annual meeting will be Sunday, February 1st, 2026.
New Wine 2025
New Wine is thrilled to present The Prince of Egypt!
Join us at Zion for 7pm Coffeehouse shows May 8, 9, 11, & 16-18th.
St Mathews Church in Esko will be hosting a show June 2nd at 6:30p and Elim Lutheran, Duluth is hosting on June 4th at 6:15p.
And don't forget the Homecoming show on Thursday, June 17th at 6p!
Stay tuned for ticket information as the time gets closer!
Upcoming Week:
Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...
Office Hours at Zion:
Winter Hours:
Monday | 9-1
Tuesday | 9-1
Wednesday | 9-1
Thursday | 9-1
Friday | Closed
or by appointment.
Limited hours February 10th-12th, 18th-20th, &
Office Closed on February 13th, 17th, 25th and 26th.
Worship Options
We worship together on Sunday mornings at 9:30 am.
Zion is located at 1000 Washington Avenue, Cloquet MN
You can worship with us online through Facebook and YouTube. Sunday services are posted to social media by early afternoon. You
can also listen on WKLK 1230 AM on Sunday mornings at 9:00 am and watch
on CAT-7 on Sundays at 6:00 pm and Wednesdays at 6:00 pm – or here on our website by clicking the link below.