Our Mission
Zion Lutheran Church's purpose is to humbly and boldly commit our hearts and minds to follow he Lord by following these five guiding principles:
- "Jesus is Lord"
- "Be open to the Spirit"
- "Invite and welcome all"
- "Follow Christ through worship, prayer and study"
- "Serve others"
What to expect on Sunday:
The church service is at 9:30 am.
The service follows Evangelical Lutheran Worship Hymnal & Lectionary. The music and prayers reflect the season in which we find ourselves.
You will be provided a worship bulletin that has the seasonal prayers, responses, and page numbers for the music. There are Hymnals in the pews and large print hymn papers are available near the bulletins in the back of the Sanctuary.
There is Holy Communion each Sunday. All are welcome at the Lord's Table. We follow a mixed schedule of processional communion (1st & 3rd Sundays) and seated communion (2nd, 4th, & 5th Sundays). Prewrapped communion is always available as well as a gluten free option.
- Please come in whatever clothing is most comfortable for you. There is no dress code.
- Children are welcome during the service as integral members of the body of Christ and we enjoy the sounds and activities that come with them. In the Narthex (main entry) there are Busy Bags with small toys to keep little hands occupied. We also have clipboards with weekly children's bulletins, doodle paper, and colored pencils available. Please feel free to sit where your children can easily see what is happening at the front of the Sanctuary. Your children are a joy, not a distraction. If you do need to leave the service for any reason you are always welcome to take your children into the Social Hall (located to the right of the Sanctuary on the same level, down the hall and around the corner) to play in our Rainbow Kids Corner. We trust families to work out the best option for them and their child(ren) on any given day.
Ushers are close at hand on Sunday mornings and will gladly answer questions or direct you if you are looking for something specific.
Following the 9:30 am service, there is coffee, fellowship, and, on the Second Sunday of the month during the school year, Intergenerational Faith Formation in the Social Hall. We look forward to seeing you there!
Busy Bags
in the Narthex
Please grab a busy bag,
a clipboard with doodle paper and colored pencils,
& a children’s bulletin!
Please return bags, boards
& pencils when finished.
Welcome to worship at Zion!
Kids Rainbow Corner
in the Social Hall
This area is open for use at any time before, during or after the Sunday Service. Feel free to retreat and regroup here during Liturgy or keep children occupied during Coffee Hour after the service while you enjoy a treat and fellowship.
Recorded Services
Find the most recent recordings on YouTube:
The Season of Lent
Lent is the solemn Christian religious observance in the liturgical year in preparation for Resurrection Sunday.
It echoes the 40 days Jesus spent fasting in the desert and enduring temptation by Satan, according to the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, before beginning his public ministry.
Ash Wednesday
Join us Wednesday, March 5th from 6:30-7p for ashes and a short liturgy.
Holden Evening Prayer
Join us on Wednesday evenings during Lent for Soup Suppers before Holden Evening Prayer.
Confirmands and their mentors will meet following the service.
March 12 | March 19 | March 26
April 2 | April 9
Soup Supper 5:30p
Holden Evening Prayer 6:30-7p
Confirmation 7-7:30p
Holy Week
Palm Sunday
Join us for liturgy on Sunday, April 13th at 9:30 to celebrate Palm Sunday and the beginning of Holy Week.
Maundy Thursday
Join us on Thursday, April 17th at 6:30p for the commemoration of the Washing of the Feet and Last Supper of Jesus Christ with the Apostles.
Good Friday
Join us Friday, April 18th at 6:30p for a joint worship service with Our Saviors Lutheran & Presbyterian Church of Cloquet, observing the crucifixion of Jesus at Calvary.
Resurrection Sunday
Celebrate the Resurrection of Our Lord with us on Sunday, April 20th at 9:30a! Alleluia, He is Risen!