Hunger and Justice

Over the past few years, we have raised awareness and provided opportunities for Community and Zion members to respond to local and global needs for “daily bread.”

Fill the Pantry

Our Little Food Pantry is emptying out very quickly in this cold weather.   Please help us keep it stocked!


As we give to those who are hungry, let us remember that not everyone has access to the items we do in preparation for meals. 
Below are ideas:

Oatmeal-individual cups or packages

Granola and or protein bars


Peanut butter

Canned meat such as chicken and tuna (if possible in pull off tops)


Mac & Cheese cups

Fruit cups

Applesauce in plastic containers

Soups in cups (just water needed)

Dried/canned soups (if possible in cans that don’t need a
can opener)

Any other non perishable food NOT in glass containers!


Hunger and Justice Books

Thanks to action dollars from Thrivent, the Hunger and Justice committee was able to purchase new books for our library.  They are in the Narthex and are available for check out in our new library/sitting area. 

Pull up a chair and make yourself a coffee or tea and enjoy reading!  There are three categories for age groups.  If you are interested in helping our library grow even more, please see the book check out tags on the cart.  We have provided you with more titles that you can either purchase of donate money towards purchase. 
Thank you!

Free Little Food Pantry

Thank you to the Hunger and Justice Committee and Tony A. for the new pantry on our property.  As members of the Zion community, we will be looking for help keeping the pantry stocked and maintained.  You can participate by bringing non-perishable food to the church and placing in the cart in the Narthex, filling the pantry yourself or by volunteering to be a pantry monitor.  Please contact the office with any questions!

Upcoming Events

Hang tight while we look up scheduled events...