Pastor Judy is going to offer a series of adult forums about issues Zion needs to think about as we move through this transition. Please join us following
worship (about 10:45) in the Fellowship Hall on the following days for a time of discussion about the challenges facing churches today. Hope you can join us!
March 19 – LGBTQ (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer) – Debunking the Biblical “Texts of Terror” used to attack LGBTQ people, how we affirm all gender identities, and where we are in the ELCA today.
April 23 – How big should we be? - How church size influences a congregation’s ministry and how to be sustainable, vital, and missional at any size.
May 21 – Not Our Parent’s Church, or What Year Is It? - The Church our
Children Deserve – challenges facing the Church today.